'By Now' Winner of Best Film 48 Hour Film Fest 2023

Winner of Best Film, Best Actress, Best Music and Best Writing at the 2023 48 Hour Film Festival in Glasgow by Level Five Films.

Nominated for

Best Production Design

Best Costume

Best Lighting

Best Sound

Best Editing

Best Cinematography

Best Directing

For this film, the team were given 48 hours to create a film that uses a Lemon as a prop, has a character called Ali Silver who is a Life Coach and the script had to include the dialogue: 'here's tae us'. 


Myself and the team worked extremely hard over the two days to produce his film and we are thrilled to have won the overall award for our country this year as well as three other awards and numerous nominations.


I am especially proud to have had my work in costume and set design nominated for an award and thrilled to have been a part of an amazing team.


Starring: Ashley Sutherland   / ashleysutherland  

Katrina Allen   / katrinaallen_  

Andrew Grayson   / andalfthegray  


Directed by: Nicola Docherty -   / just_another_shorty21  

Screenplay: Sarah Grant -   / sarahgrantcreative  

Original score: Peter Satera -   / peter.satera  

Edited by: Sarah Grant -   / sarahgrantcreative  

Katrina Allen -   / katrinaallen_  

DOP: Ross Imlach -   / rossimlach  

Camera Operator: Sarina Vlaytchev -   / sarinatv  

1st AC: Scott McIntosh   / scott.c.mcintosh  

Gaffer: Michael Roddy -   / michaelroddy  

Sound recording & Post mixing: - Emanuele Maddalena -   / emanuelemaddalena  

Production Designer: Rhiannone Stone -   / rhianonnestone  

Art Director: Riona Stewart   / rerestewstew  

Online/ Colour Grade: Ross Imlach   / rossimlach  

Producers: Katrina Allen -   / katrinaallen_   & Nicola Docherty - https://www.instagram.com/

Catering & Voice of Mum: Hannah Brown -   / hansbins104  

Poster Design: Michael Roddy -   / michaelroddy  

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